Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Dr. Cooper, Seattle Plastic and cosmetic Surgeon, excels in providing patients with surgical techniques that are tailored to each patient’s particular concerns and unique anatomy.  At the same time, Dr. Cooper places the highest priority on safety and compassionate care.  He has a special interest in body contouring procedures for patients who have experienced major weight loss.   Some of his patients have lost weight through diet and exercise, while others have lost their weight after gastric bypasses, lap band procedures, or sleeve gastrectomies.

After major weight loss, many patients are left with excess sagging skin of the upper arms, breasts, abdomen, and thighs.  Dr. Cooper performs arm lifts, breast lifts, upper body lifts, tummy tucks, lower body lifts, and thigh lifts to help reverse the changes seen after massive weight loss.  Dr. Cooper has received rave reviews for these procedures that have helped change the lives of countless weight loss patients.     

Dr. Cooper is double board-certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery.   These credentials help ensure that his patients are receiving expert care in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.  Consultations are performed at his modern, state of the art office, Sound Plastic Surgery, located next to the University Village shopping center in Seattle.  His office staff is caring, personable, and experienced in providing patients with the best care possible.  Free underground parking is always available.  

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